Type: Company News Views: 45754 Release: 2019/08/03
Hi, All
First of all, Thanks to: GsmServer, Miracle Team, Zhulianqi, Simon Ng, RazaGsm, ... and all support GsmBest Team users!
This is GsmBest-Wei from GsmBest Team (BST Dongle Section), hope all bst user rememmber me still! now bst dongle section facing very very badly trouble, i have to tell the truth to all bst user.
Who am i? I'm Legal Person, Executive Director, General Manage and Shareholder of GsmBest company, I'm owner of Gsmbest.com domain, I'm owner of Gsmbest server, I'm original PM of BST Dongle section (I send bst dongle to gsmhosting, i transfer money each year to gsmhosting, i work hard at bst dongle section ...)
What's happend? After few month after BST Dongle section was created, i requested add "serialsss" as PM for BST Dongle section. In the next few years, i spent a lot of time and effort on BST Dongle section. but in the past two years BST has no good new updates, finally one pre-coder (yang, forum id: serialsss) leave GsmBest Team, and then GsmBest company canncelly by me. GsmBest Team also provide bst firmware update serivce etc for all bst users.
On 30 July, 2019, one of my friend told me my id remove from BST Dongle section, i dont known whats happend also. so i touch with gsmhosting admins, admins told me yang (id: serialsss) said i leave GsmBest Team, he request remove my id (GsmBest-Wei) from BST Dongle section, During this period, no one or admins touch me for confirm leave team or not.
So i lost PM for BST Dongle section! i saw BST Dongle section had two PM (serialsss and BST_Team), New PM made new updates on my section as official, and told all bst user bst domain changed (because im owner of gsmbest.com) blablabla, i full understand what happened. seriesss was a cheaters and thieves, he stole all sources code, website system from team, and create new domain, and stole bst dongle section. all these only want make money!
I touch with admins again request disable bst dongle section asap and provided many many materies for prove who am i, i hope admins can handle the matter fairly and fairly.
On 1th Aug, 2019, more bad thing coming for all bst dongle user, many many bst users told me bst dongle firmware failed, i checked all myside known that was yang (id:serialsss) blocked all bst dongle via him's firmware updater back door, and all bst user have to force use he sw.
I posted Emergency notice on BST official site (www.gsmbest.com), i hope all bst user know truth before online update.
Finally, The GsmBest Team will provide new sw soon to replace bst sw for all bst user, because bst sw its not safely anymore. The team believes thats the final choice must be given to the end-user.
More truth visit our official website please: http://www.gsmbest.com